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Chaeyeon Seo

By 2022.07.12July 20th, 2023Chairman

Chaeyeon Seo studied Graphic Design as her major and concentrated in Photography in the United States. Before moving to America, she majored in Social Welfare in Korea. However, she first learned about the world of Graphic Design while visiting a branding workshop, she just fell deeply in love. That unconditional love forced her to change her major and that became the driving force behind her journey to this point. Understanding the importance of the relativity in society from her previous study, she seeks harmony between rational strategy and emotional approach in her works.

She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Communication Design at Korea National University of Arts. Using careful visual languages, she strives for finding better gems for all to see.


Secretariat Manager

Design Field

Communication Design


Chaeyeon Seo

Title & Company Name

Manager / KODIA
